Globus Trading is engaged in the global trading of Agri commodities. We have established relationships with quality suppliers and distributors that you can effortlessly take advantage of. We leverage our trust and reputation and strengthen it every day. We are proudly supported by a wide customer base.

Our Vision is to be one of the leading suppliers of quality agricultural products. We are all only as strong as our partners and Globus Trading values the professional relationships we have that allow us to succeed as a growing leader in the agricultural industry. We ceaselessly strive to increase efficiency in the origination and distribution of the products that feed the world and gain support from every human link in our supply chain. We value and nurture long-lasting relationships with our partners in the industry so we may all reap the rewards of a job well done that makes a difference.

The Company is trading in Pulses, Sesame Seeds, Kabuli Chickpeas, Desi Chick Peas, Red Kidney Beans, Light Speckled Kidney Beans, Pigeon Peas, Soya Bean, Sunflower Oil and Spices from Tanzania, Ethiopia, Uzbekistan, Mozambique, Canada, Ukraine, and other leading agricultural product processing countries.


High-quality spices like Black Pepper, Cloves and Cardamom are supplied to various parts of the world. These spices sourced from India, Vietnam, Tanzania and Sri Lanka are quite in demand not only for its taste enhancing properties but in health and fitness industries as well.

Pulses and Beans

Beans and pulses form a part of a staple diet of people of many countries. We supply high quality lentils, Chickpeas, green mung, pigeon peas and more to different parts of the world. These nutritive agro commodity has a huge demand all over the world.

Rice and Sugar

We also supply an extensive range of staples like rice and sugar sourced from Thailand, India, Vietnam and Pakistan.

Sesame Seeds

We source Sesame mainly from all leading producing countries like Ethiopia, Tanzania, Burkina Faso and Nigeria. We are expanding our presence to Fareast, Asia and Europe with the supply of High Quality Natural Hulled and Edible grade sesame seeds.